Your business description serves as a comprehensive overview, encapsulating all the services you offer to your customers. As companies embark on new projects to boost their income, a critical step is to examine the insurance policy documents. This review allows you to assess the accuracy of the information you have declared and determine its alignment with your evolving business ventures.

Taking charge of this process involves proactive communication with your insurance broker. Share the specifics of the projects you plan to undertake and inquire about the potential impact on your insurance coverage. It is essential for insurers to have a comprehensive understanding of all your business activities to arrange appropriate coverage.

Neglecting to disclose certain activities could lead to serious consequences, potentially violating the Insurance Act of 2015, which emphasises the fair presentation of risk. The ramifications of such oversight are significant; your insurance might be rendered void, and insurers may refuse to settle claims, either in part or in full, in the event of a loss.

To mitigate this risk, it is crucial to ensure that your business description accurately reflects the scope of your operations. Doubts regarding your coverage should prompt you to provide your broker with a detailed breakdown of your activities. Request written confirmation from insurers, reassuring yourself that your expanded ventures are duly acknowledged and covered.

For those insured through specialised brokers catering to specific sectors, such as InEvexco in the exhibition and events industry, the likelihood of a correctly declared business description is higher. These brokers possess an in-depth understanding of your business and trade, minimising the chances of oversight. However, it remains prudent for all companies, regardless of their broker's expertise, to periodically review their insured business description.

In conclusion, the business description in your insurance policy is not merely a formality; it is a crucial element that safeguards your financial interests. By staying vigilant, communicating openly with your broker, and periodically reviewing your coverage, you can ensure that your business is adequately protected for every venture.


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InEvexco Limited is authorised and regulated by the FCA, registered number 579079. InEvexco is a wholly owned subsidiary of AssuredPartners Holdings Limited.

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80 Churchill Square Business Centre, Kings Hill, Kent, ME19 4YU