Organisers Insurance

We have constructed a team of knowledgeable, experienced and well-known Insurance Professionals to deliver a dynamic support service to Event Organisers. We believe our product is one of the most competitive in our market and the expertise you will gain from our team members is invaluable.
Whether you need insurance for a one-off large show, an exhibition, or a schedule of various events across the world, we offer UK based Organisers the opportunity to tailor insurance protection to your requirements. 
Please refer to our Policy Wording for full definitions and coverage. 

Main sections of cover:

  • Cancellation – If your event should be forced to cancel, be reorganised, curtailed or abandoned  due to a reason beyond your control
  • Property Damage – protects any property you own or are responsible for at the event (including Money)
  • Public Liability – If a member of the public were to be injured or their property damaged at your event through your negligence
  • Employers Liability – If an employee were to be injured at your event

These are some examples of our free standard extensions of cover:

  • Enforced Reduced Attendance – loss of expected “On the door gate revenue”, if this income was affected as a result of a common cause and a reason beyond your control, such as weather related issues / inability to access the venue etc were to prevent people attending your event
  • National Mourning – If event coincides with day of death or day of funeral for anyone in the Royal Family – under 70 years of age
  • Money and Property Cover - £100,000 per event
  • Adverse Weather – For all indoor events, we include Adverse Weather (i.e. high winds, floods, snow etc


Claims Scenarios

  Cancellation cover - Indoor events: The venue not being able to open due to reasons beyond your control, for example weather related issues such as snow/heavy winds etc.

  Public Liability: If a visitor trips on a loose item on the floor. If something fell on a visitor and injured them etc.

•  Employers Liability: If an employee was struck by a loose item that wasn't secured properly. If they were to trip on something that wasn't highlighted as a hazard which resulted in injury i.e. loose carpet on the floor etc.


Additional cover available to purchase

•   Terrorism Cover - If there is an act of Terrorism and authorities deem it unsafe to continue with your event. (We can offer Full cover or Time and Distance - 50 mile and 50 day restriction)
•    Extended National Mourning - We can extend the period of cover for additional days, in comparison to our standard extension which covers your event if it coincides with the date of death, or date of funeral including for named individuals over 70 years of age
•    Additional Property/ Money Cover - We can extend the limit of cover over our standard £100,000 limit
•    Adverse Weather for Outdoor Events - We can add Adverse Weather cover for events held outside 
    Riot / Civil Commotion cover
•    Communicable Diseases – in regards to the outbreak of COVID-19, our package policy excludes losses relating to COVID-19 and any World Health Organisation recognised disease. 


Virtual Events

    We have an insurance solution designed especially for online Virtual Events and the additional risks faced with arranging these. Please contact Mark Blair on 07834 158074 for more information.


Notice to Policyholders 

Frequently Asked Questions